
The Magnolia Tree Institute of Ancient Wisdom & HoneyBee Apiary  (MTI)
 Richwood,  Louisiana
in the Washitaw Proper

We are collaborating for the creation of a 
Washitaw Indigenous Peoples Cultural Center 
in the Washitaw Proper!
Please pledge your support to the redevelopment of
The Magnolia Tree Institute of Ancient Wisdom and Honeybee Apiary

 At this time we are calling on all Indigenous Muurs, native tribal peoples, and Asiatic Moors, true and faithful, to assist with theisdevelopment of the Magnolia Tree Institute of Ancient Wisdom and Honeybee Apiary. This institute has served as an indigenous sanctuary, learning center, honeybee farm and retreat for indigenous girls and women of all nations and tribes, in the tradition of the Red Tent, as was practiced in Ancient times with emphasis on Agriculture, Apiculture and the Arts. It is time to restore it to its greatness and make it self sustainable.

The indigenous peoples cultural center will be a place for all
native tribes and nations to showcase stories of our ancestral heritage, beyond colonial stereotypes and mythologies of savage indians or nomadic hunters wandering across continents through the frozen tundra. Here we can  celebrate the Ancient Ones.

The Magnolia Tree Institute of Ancient Wisdom is located on a tract of land in  the heart of Richwood, Louisiana, the township founded by our late Empress Verdiacee Washitaw-Turner Goston El Bey, former leader of the Emperial Washitaw Nation( 1992-1997), who also served as mayor of Richwood, before reclaiming Her seat as head of  our sovereign indigenous nation.
	In all of the Washitaw communities under her leadership, the first institutions the Empress erected were cultural centers and schools. In Her honor, the Magnolia Tree Institute of Ancient Wisdom is creating a museum and cultural center to preserve the legacy of her works and research, uncovering the little know history of the Empire Washitaw de Dugdamoundyah.
The property currently has farm land, a bee apiary, and five building structures that are in desperate need of tender loving care and hands-on restoration. 

A Re-Habilitation-for-Indigenous-Peoples-Humanity-type Committee
 We need Carpenters, developers, electricians, roofers, contractors, plumbers, cement/bricklayers, growers, healers, engineers, architects, artists, leaders, etc
	The institute is directed by the most noble Dr. Wanda G. Al-Ahad Bey, D.M. 
 The property belongs to her family and she has graciously made it available to all who wish to  contribute to the completion of a place where you and your family can visit and be a part of a true Washitaw community. A series of institutions is  being organized to promote and honor our legacy, and the perpetual presence of our ancient ancestral lands, spirits, and ciphers. It simply awaits our unconditional love and immediate action.  

If you have time, funds, and/or the desire to be a part of this historical endeavour, please Call Dr. Wanda G. Al-Ahad Bey D.M.  at (612) 458-1965.    
Disclaimer of participation:
Everyone and anyone is invited and welcomed to volunteer help and/or make direct contributions to this development. We neither practice, nor tolerate discrimination.

But, this is a special call to those true and faithful to commit to coming down in the next few weeks. It is time we begin to do things for ourselves in our collective interests as a people with a distinct and mutual cultural heritage. This can be done and will be done.

 The Work has already begun. Let us pull together and make this, the first of many endeavors to unify our energies in restoring the heritage of the Ancient Ones. 
And Remember, One love is Law in the Washitaw!  Peace. 

We hope to See and/or feel your support here soon!
The Original Humans
One Love is Law 
in The Washitaw!


please contact  Dr. Wanda G. Al-Ahad Bey D.M.  at (612) 458-1965

for additional information email:   

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